Timetable and Program

10:00-10:30       Registration & Reception

10:30-11:00       Opening Session and Greetings

11:00-11:25      Key Note Speaker:  Professor Adriana Zaiț Director of the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iași
Changes and challenges of doctoral education – time perspectives, expected results and perceived usefulness

11:25-11:50      Key Note Speaker:  Professor Ciprian Ceobanu Doctoral School of  Psychology and Education Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iași
The European research space. Challenges and opportunities

11:50-12:25      Key Note Speaker:  Professor Ștefan Cojocaru Doctoral School of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iași
Errors in social research. Avoiding the development of ad hoc research

Key Note Speaker: Professor Maria Nicoleta TURLIUC, Ph.D., Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University of Iași
Interpersonal relationship research challenges in the new millennium

12:30-13:20      Panel of Israeli Nurses, Ph.D. Graduates from JCU – Moderated by Dr. Miri Shacham and Dr. Yehudit Od Cohen

13:20-14:00      Lunch Break

14:00-16:30      Parallel Sessions:

                            1. Sociology
                            2. Economics and Business Administration
                           3. Psychology and Education
                            4. Nursing

16:30-16:50      Coffee Break

17:00-17:40      Key Note Speaker:  Dr. Sara Nissim Wolfson

Academic Nursing School Director, 

“Health and Humor, Is it Researchable?”

17.40-18.00      Summary